Most Frequently Asked Question
First & foremost ……….. Do your homework ……. This is an important procedure, ask ……. Are they council registered? Do they have clinical waste disposal? Have you seen before & after photos from past clients?
Beware of the inexperienced technician who tries to lure new clients with a steep discount, because your face is what she practices on to build her portfolio! Saving a few pounds up front, only to have to spend more in the long run to get the unsatisfactory work corrected, is is not worth the discount. A technician will charge what she is worth. If she under charges her competition then her ability may be reflected in the price.
What does a procedure involve?
Your first step will be to make an appointment either for a half hour consultation to discuss your needs and the procedures which you are interested in. You will be given a patch test
& forms to complete on booking an appointment.
We will discuss the shape which would be most flattering for your face as well as the colour which will work with your skin’s undertones. We will take some before and after photographs.
On the day of the procedure, we will spend much time determining the shape before we begin to give you the perfect shape for your face.
A top-up 2nd appointment is included in the price, usually taken approx 6 weeks later (this is for new clients who have not had permanent makeup before.
What will my new permanent cosmetics look like?
Initially, the pigment in the brows will look dark for several days. Once the skin begins to heal it will lighten and soften.
It will initially look very dark even though you may select a light colour. The colour will start to lighten in several days. As your body goes through the healing process, for some clients tiny raised areas will form where the pigment was applied. This is what makes the pigment appear dark. As the layers of skin start to slough off, they cover the pigment so that it may appear that the colour is faded or gone. After those layers completely slough off, the underlying pigment can be seen.
Can I keep my own brow hair?
Lots of people ask if they have to shave their brow hair off first ……. Absolutely not! Once you have decided on the best brow shape, any hair within that shape can stay and will only make the work look more natural. Any hair outside the shape can be waxed or tweezed just as you would normally do with your normal brow maintenance.
Are permanent cosmetics really permanent?
The cosmetics implantation technique deposits colour pigment into the upper layer of the skin and is considered permanent because it cannot be washed off. Unlike traditional tattoos performed on the body, permanent cosmetics professionals do not use traditional tattoo ink (dye). Permanent cosmetics pigment is more delicate and designed to work with the skin’s undertones and to mimic hair. Every person’s skin is different in regarding pigment retention. Factors which effect longevity of permanent cosmetics are: colour selected, age, thickness of skin, scarring of skin, use of skin care products, injectables, laser treatments, medication and sun exposure. You will need periodic refreshing of colour, depending on how light the shade of implanted pigment, as well as factors mentioned above.
A general Color Retention guideline is:
Blondes and light brown shades may need refreshed every 12 months
Mid-tone browns may need a 12-18 month touch-up
Dark browns and blacks may need a touch-up every 12 to 24 months
*Please note- if a technician tells you only need one visit to complete your procedure and you will not need a touch-up, then he/she is not being truthful. Run!
What if I am planning to have plastic surgery?
Many women choose to have to have eyeliner done before face lifts so they will look better during the recovery period. If you are considering a brow lift, wait until after the healing process before having your brow procedure.
What if I am using a lash growth serum? Can I still get an eyeliner procedure?
It is very important to stop using a lash serum at least 2 weeks before having a permanent eyeliner procedure. Do not start to use until at least two weeks after you have completed.